Swimming Pool Contractors Rockport Area Recs
1,464 Views | 3 Replies
5:10a, 6/28/22

The saga continues. Found a lot in Rockport that had a home taken by Harvey. Great lot with a canal and bay views. However, while it took the house, it left the pool. Need to get some bids on either getting rid of the pool, or fixing the pool after it has sat there since the storm.

I know in Lubbock, the majority of these pool guys are pool guys for a reason. Any recommendations on trustworthy pool contractors?

Would companies out of Corpus be an option?

Thanks. I have so enjoyed reading this board.
There may not be time to do the job right, but there is always time to do the job over!!
9:36a, 6/28/22
If you are on FB, join the Friends of Rockport/Fulton group. Lots of good recommendations can be found there for any local services.

Base on your description, if you bought in KA, I think I know the property you purchased. If it's the one across from a current new build, you are going to need to (and should) deal with your bulkhead first before you can do anything else on that site. The required new bulkhead elevations are now so high, the existing pool may no longer be functional and may also be in the way of the required tie-backs, excavation, etc.

I just replaced my bulkhead on the island so if you want, PM me and I can give you all the info you want and who to use.

Good luck!
1:18p, 6/28/22
In reply to busdriver88
busdriver88 said:


The saga continues. Found a lot in Rockport that had a home taken by Harvey. Great lot with a canal and bay views. However, while it took the house, it left the pool. Need to get some bids on either getting rid of the pool, or fixing the pool after it has sat there since the storm.

I know in Lubbock, the majority of these pool guys are pool guys for a reason. Any recommendations on trustworthy pool contractors?

Would companies out of Corpus be an option?

Thanks. I have so enjoyed reading this board.
Yes, we use Galloway Pools out of CRP for ours. They built the original pool and still maintain it.

However, I would opt for a local Rockport company if at all possible simply because it will be more convenient and maybe cheaper.
Emotional Support Cobra
3:05p, 6/28/22
Crystal Clear pools of Port A. Call Rockport number and ask for Jeremy.

361 749 4853

They take care of our pool on KA and are amazing.

Also ditto on having the bulkhead evaluated. I know the lot you bought. Congrats and welcome to the jungle!
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