Buddy increased Driver Swing Speed over 10 mph
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7:55p, 3/28/21
I've got mine balanced across the handle bars of my stationary bike and it's serving as an additional clothes rack for my golf shirts.
8:06p, 3/28/21
I've been using it for about a month. It helped my iron consistency like others mentioned, but I've suddenly developed a bad pull hook occasionally off the tee. My miss used to be right. I think it's got me swinging from the inside, but I then come further inside on the way through sometimes. I think I just have to think about finishing the swing towards the target.
Another swing thought is all I need right now
Trinity Ag
8:24p, 3/28/21
In reply to Trinity Ag
Trinity Ag said:

I hit this range this afternoon.

Here was my baseline on 24 Feb, 18 days ago:


108.8 Swing Speed
153.3 Ball Speed
1.41 Smash
2450 Spin
14.7 Launch
252.9 Carry

Reminder -- this is a Mevo -- the ball speed is the only thing really being measured accurately -- the rest are partial calculations, and tend to overestimate swing speed, and underestimate carry and smash.

Here were my last 10 Driver shots, after warming up -- none deleted:

112.1 Swing Speed
157.7 Ball Speed
1.41 Smash
254.8 Carry
11.7 Launch Angle
3025 Spin

I was tending to be quick, and had a number of toe-y hooks in that group - those tended to be the ones with a low launch angle, dropping the average angle and carry.

Leaving the range, I hit 6 tee shots off #4 at Traditions - a very slightly downhill Par 4, with maybe 5 mph wind, and a damp fairway. Temps in the 60s.

I hooked 3 -- not terrible drives on some holes, but out of the fairway.

I hit 3 on the screws: 294, 298, and 305 right down the middle.

Bottom line is that I've gained roughly 4 mph Ball speed in roughly 3 weeks.

It has also changed my swing -- lengthening it -- which makes tempo and sequencing more important. I have to pause at the top and start from the hips, or I get quick & handsy and hook it.

Overall, I'd say it does what it says it does, and I'll keep working at it - probably switching to the red band next weekend. But realize using this isn't going to just make you faster without affecting your swing.
Been at it for a month - 2 weeks with the Orange, 2 weeks with the Blue. Here are my latest numbers:

112.9 Swing Speed
158.7 Ball Speed
1.41 Smash
263.2 Carry
14.6 Launch angle
2583 Spin

Swing is definitely lengthening, and I am having to make timing adjustments.

I am definitely hitting the ball further -- but not scoring better. But I feel like I started getting a handle on the tempo over the weekend. Was really striking the irons well on the range, but have to translate that to the course -- yeah, that is the hard part.

I am switching to the red band this week. If I finish April with a consistent 160+ ball speed, I'm going to call this a big success.
8:31p, 3/28/21
In reply to Trinity Ag
Thanks for the update!
3:22p, 3/29/21
My swing definitely feels longer and feels more fluid. I'm not as steep on follow thru. As others stated, irons I'm hitting much more flush and about a club longer.
Driver is a work in progress, it's more of timing the wrist hinge with contact but the ones I timed it right were smoked. I do feel more 'free' with the club and not so tight and short on the backswing.
3:43p, 3/29/21
Don't tell Coach Ellis I gave in and bought one of these
Rusty GCS
11:00p, 3/29/21
I haven't noticed a difference yet. Only used 3 times over a course of 2 weeks. Need to get dedicated. I'm still a club short coming out the winter from my normal distances.
7:18a, 3/30/21
In reply to Rusty GCS
I struggle with flexibility as it is. And usually I'm just a "I'll sort out on the course" but my last round was abysmal and I just replaced 10yo irons with new, fitted irons and I'm not going to let myself say that it's the new irons that caused the change when I know it's me being older than I want to admit.
9:20a, 3/30/21
Curious as to what those of you who are hitting crisper irons think is the cause (increased flexibility or better swing path???). I'm going through a series of lessons/swing change at the same time I'm using the MISIG so God only knows what is responsible for any changes I see. That said, I've noticed a lot more boom to my driver, but having problems with consistency on the irons.

What do you guys think is leading to the purer iron strike?

9:32a, 3/30/21
In reply to Legend
For me I think it's just more consistency in my backswing (getting width and knowing where to stop the turn and begin the transition) and swing path.
11:37a, 3/30/21
I'm calling total BS on this contraption...mine shipped this morning.
2:14p, 3/30/21
In reply to Rusty GCS
Rusty GCS said:

I haven't noticed a difference yet. Only used 3 times over a course of 2 weeks. Need to get dedicated. I'm still a club short coming out the winter from my normal distances.
User name checks out.
2:15p, 3/30/21
In reply to Legend
Legend said:

Curious as to what those of you who are hitting crisper irons think is the cause (increased flexibility or better swing path???). I'm going through a series of lessons/swing change at the same time I'm using the MISIG so God only knows what is responsible for any changes I see. That said, I've noticed a lot more boom to my driver, but having problems with consistency on the irons.

What do you guys think is leading to the purer iron strike?

Longer backswing and/or you're completing the backswing instead of rushing to hit.
10:56p, 3/30/21
Being 100% serious this thing has changed my golf game for the better. I'm not using it enough but I use it before warming up and it has me hitting it much better with my irons as my wrists are so much more static and allows me to make really good flush contact on line with my target. It has really helped my short game my wedges are so much better than they have ever been. Using this in concert with being much more mindful of not letting my wrists hinge (at all in my head, but the swing naturally does Cock them some) has really turned things around. I've been mid single digits for years but I really think this is going to have a big long term impact to remove some bad things I have always had in my swing (overactive hands and wrists being one of them). Now my driver is still a worm in progress, I have some trouble with a big hook now sometimes like others have mentioned, but it's a case of me not finishing my turn through where before my wrists and hands would "correct" for it.
All in all for $80 I'm def glad I picked it up and this is my first ever golf contraption.
4:48a, 3/31/21
F it. I'm in.
11:45a, 3/31/21
I'm waiting for the day I show up to the course, head to the range, and look over and see the guy next to me stretching with his MISIG as I casually say 'Hey man you TexAgs too?'
12:02p, 4/2/21
Pleased to report after finally playing since I started using this that I definitely notice a distance change off the tee, at least 10-15 yards on 3 drives. It's also created a draw, which was weird to adjust to since I play a fade most of the time.

No issues spraying my driver either.
irish pete ag06
5:36p, 4/2/21
Would this benefit younger players? Like teenage or early 20s? Or do you think it's primarily geared towards older players (like myself) who have lost some flexibility or mobility.
6:00p, 4/2/21
In reply to irish pete ag06
Funny you ask, because I was literally thinking the same thing. My 17 year old has a bad outside in swing and I'm contemplating having him use it.
6:53p, 4/2/21
Please read up on "stress fractures" for younger golfers and golf performance.. We have much softer lighter stretch cords that you should give a lot of consideration to for younger golfers.

Softer Lighter Cords

Bernie Fay
G Martin 87
6:56p, 4/2/21
Got my first eagle ever this morning. My 2nd shot was a 218 7w to 2 1/2 feet from the pin. Drove well all round, and iron contact was great. So far, so good.
7:10p, 4/2/21
Bernie always comes through!!
7:48p, 4/2/21
Just curious, are most of y'all doing just the stretching, the swing training, or a combination of both? I currently do a variation of both, but curious what those that are gaining real distance are doing.
7:58p, 4/2/21
In reply to htownag2007
htownag2007 said:

Just curious, are most of y'all doing just the stretching, the swing training, or a combination of both? I currently do a variation of both, but curious what those that are gaining real distance are doing.

All I've done is the stretching
8:18p, 4/2/21
Definitely put me in the work in progress camp. Played for the first time since using it and it was a mixed bag. Started off thinking hey I've been using the MISIG so I can swing longer now. That messed me up and I was all over the place. I was rushing the transition and not making good contact. When I started to slow down and feel in my mind I was completing the backswing and not rushing the transition it was better. Tendency was to hit some pretty big hooks with the woods but a few did seem to go a bit farther than normal. Couldn't say I noticed crisper iron play like others have mentioned. Finished #18 with a straight big drive for me, great iron and a two putt for a skin so I'll keep working on it. Next round I'm not going to start off trying to consciously swing longer I'm going to work on tempo.
8:25p, 4/2/21
In reply to AgOutsideAustin
I try not to think. I did t have any different mindset than before using it. Only thing that changed for me was teeing up on the left side of the tee box because I was hitting a draw
2:19p, 4/3/21
In reply to Rubble
Definitely going to not overthink next time. Went to golf galaxy and hit a few driver shots and I have picked up a couple of mph club speed. Going to start working with the blue band.
6:18p, 4/7/21
Somewhat anecdotal but I can now easily get to 102 mph driver swing speed. Used to have to work at it. Yesterday, I hit my drives to spots I've never been before.

My use of MISIG is not even daily. Whenever I remember to. And when I do, 20 swings at the most.
9:32a, 4/13/21

1:21p, 4/13/21
I've played one round in two years, and am getting back into things after we move to Magnolia in June.

I just purchased this to start building swing strength & endurance.

Oh, and the "TEXAGS" code discount still works and it's a big one.

1:46p, 4/13/21
In reply to jagvocate
DAMNIT....I didn't see that one and used the Golf2021....cost myself $15

2:55p, 4/13/21
In reply to 1990AG
Email Bernie, I bet he will credit you.
3:40p, 4/13/21
In reply to AggieDruggist89
Good call. I sent him an email

Rusty GCS
4:12p, 4/13/21
In reply to AggieDruggist89
I hit a near 300 yard drive for the first time in 6 or 7 years. I've been doing 10 reps x 3 with the Orange band 2-3 times a week. I also had a lesson over that same time frame.

I hit another bomb the following day but I'm convinced it had to have had assistance from a root or irrigation box or something. No way my ball went as far as it did without hitting something hard. This was in a scramble and my partners were happy when we had wedges in hand laying 1 on a Par 5
4:56p, 4/13/21
My golf game is as good as it has ever been, but yall suckered me in. Placed my order today.
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