MTG Motions to Vacate Speaker of the House

14,514 Views | 181 Replies | Last: 24 days ago by Jeeper79
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
- Alfred E. Neuman
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It's a good thing we have a Republican majority in the House or else the Democrats might pass a $1.2 trillion spending bill.
Spotted Ag
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pfo said:

Mike Johnson is my congressional representative, he's a great guy, very smart, very conservative and thinks like 90% of Texags posters and wants what we want.

Mike is working with only a 2 vote Republican margin in the House, a Democrat controled senate run by Schumer and a Democrat demented president in Biden. Add to that his own Republican Party has some real bomb throwers in it whose votes he must get to pass anything we all want. It's damn near an impossible job!

If we want to save America, we need to elect more republicans and fewer democrats. Maybe some of you would consider running.

America is run by crooks, buffoons, the evil and too few good men like Mike Johnson. We need more like Mike to save this country from catastrophe.

Johnson's office told Fox News Digital in a statement, "Speaker Johnson always listens to the concerns of members, but is focused on governing. He will continue to push conservative legislation that secures our border, strengthens our national defense, and demonstrates how we'll grow our majority."
Maybe you should have a talk with your representative because what has he done to pursue ANY of this? Does this bill secure the border? NO. Does this bill strengthen our national defense? NO. What has he done to demonstrate how the majority will grow? NOTHING, in fact he has lost seats since he took over.

He is making deals with democrats who are quite frankly, devils. They can't be treated as equals or "Colleagues". Every single one of them is a POS that would gladly see the country burn as long as they get theirs. Every single one should be tarred, feathered, and exiled to Haiti and sold to Jimmy Chrizier aka Barbeque.
Covidians, Communists, CNN, FOX, and all other MSM are enemies of the state and should be treated as such.
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At the end of the day none of this matters much, there is probably zero chance the GOP keeps the House in November anyways.
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TheBonifaceOption said:

Trump will win 2024...with 300+ EVs.

Dream about the future to your heart's content. It has no bearing on how today's slim House majority should conduct itself.
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NavyAg92 said:

Well, what has Mike Johnson done since assuming the position but cave to the Dems. They're about to pass the remaining six bills that consist of more Dem pork than what the bills were intended for so…. Yeah, he's not the answer. He loses even if another CR were to pass. .

Border be d*mned.

He had almost NO POWER without the presidency or the senate and a tiny tiny majority of the most moderate kind of Republican congresspersons.

It doesn't matter who you put in there. The circumstances dictate what can be done, effectively. He can negotiate mediocre compromises to get politically troublesome issues off the table, or he can do nothing and get the Republican house majority demonized into being a house minority by November.

How is this not obvious?

Nobody in his circumstances can do any better. Many could cause a disaster, however.
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Fire this ****ing clown into the sun. She's done nothing productive her entire career.
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Ellis Wyatt said:

pfo said:

Mike Johnson is my congressional representative, he's a great guy, very smart, very conservative and thinks like 90% of Texags posters and wants what we want.

Mike is working with only a 2 vote Republican margin in the House, a Democrat controled senate run by Schumer and a Democrat demented president in Biden.
Now, I don't disagree with the overall point, but this never remotely slows what democrats are doing in Congress. They attack regardless, which is why we ratchet ever-leftward.

The republicans never accomplish anything in the majority or minority. There is always an excuse.

When in recent history (or ever) have Democrats been in a similar situation with a 2 vote House majority?

The last time I can recall Democrats holding the House while GOP held both the WH and Senate was 2006-2008, right? Won't claim my memory is perfect, but Democrats had roughly a 30 vote majority in that cycle.

You can listen to rank and file Democrats moan that their leadership is always getting outmaneuvered, too. Everybody is cynical they're playing their hand worse than the other guy. So I don't think history really supports that Democrats would deftly handling a two vote majority. They have just as many wingnuts who would be a PITA to leadership.
Logos Stick
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Johnson needs to go.

The CBO, which always underestimates the cost of everything, says the deficit this year will be $1.6 trillion. I bet it tops $2 trillion. We are in a doom loop.

Had we not passed this thing, automatic spending cuts would have kicked in that Dementia Joe had already signed off on.

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Malibu said:

Here's how this will probably play out.

Scenario 1: Not even Gaetz will go alon with this one and MTG gets her press conference and life goes on.

Scenario 2: MTG has the votes to remove Johnson. Dems cant get speaker Jeffries but but in order to save Johnson demand their ounce of flesh: Ukraine funding and Senate passed border bill get floor votes. Checkmate libs!

Scenario 1 is the playbook MTG took when Gaetz got McCarthy ousted. I think she was trying to change her image tot that of a party team player who was still connected at the hip to Trump. It makes it a little surprising she would go down this route, but not all that surprising really.
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This crap is why we have candidates like Trump.

All bluster, no practicality or tact at all.
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MAGA Mike Johnson is great. Second best negotiator ever!
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Idiot... You don't do this when you barely have a majority
America the Beautiful
1776 - 2020
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TexAgs91 said:

Idiot... You don't do this when you barely have a majority
Do what? Motions to vacate or create a giant pile **** bill?
Deus Vult
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NavyAg92 said:

Well, what has Mike Johnson done since assuming the position but cave to the Dems. They're about to pass the remaining six bills that consist of more Dem pork than what the bills were intended for so…. Yeah, he's not the answer. He loses even if another CR were to pass. .

Border be d*mned.

Logos Stick
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Johnson subverted the rules per Massie. Johnson wants to be a player.

Logos Stick
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TexAgs91 said:

Idiot... You don't do this when you barely have a majority

Do what? Pass a bill the Dems overwhelmingly support? LMAO.

I dgas if we lose control of the House because nothing is being passed that the Dems oppose.

The only thing that matters now is getting the WH so Trump can close the border and perhaps the Senate so Trump can replace Thomas. That's it.

The Dems can have the House from now on; control is meaningless now because of this kind of idiocy.
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Didn't the FBI pay a visit to Johnson at church recently? Or am I confusing him with someone else?
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Logos Stick said:

Johnson needs to go.

The CBO, which always underestimates the cost of everything, says the deficit this year will be $1.6 trillion. I bet it tops $2 trillion. We are in a doom loop.

Had we not passed this thing, automatic spending cuts would have kicked in that Dementia Joe had already signed off on.

Again, who is electable who you would like to replace him?

Cry crying and give some solutions.
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TA-OP said:

Breaking news just now getting reported. MTG has filed a motion to vacate and remove Mike Johnson as speaker. Happening once was historic, but twice? The GOP is going to have a tough road ahead if it cannot even work together.
And absolutely no one was surprised....Its been a week since she was in the limelight.
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NavyAg92 said:

Well, what has Mike Johnson done since assuming the position but cave to the Dems. They're about to pass the remaining six bills that consist of more Dem pork than what the bills were intended for so…. Yeah, he's not the answer. He loses even if another CR were to pass. .

Border be d*mned.

We do not have the votes to do anything

That's why it was dumb to get rid of McCarthy

It's impossible to do anything right now
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MouthBQ98 said:

NavyAg92 said:

Well, what has Mike Johnson done since assuming the position but cave to the Dems. They're about to pass the remaining six bills that consist of more Dem pork than what the bills were intended for so…. Yeah, he's not the answer. He loses even if another CR were to pass. .

Border be d*mned.

He had almost NO POWER without the presidency or the senate and a tiny tiny majority of the most moderate kind of Republican congresspersons.

It doesn't matter who you put in there. The circumstances dictate what can be done, effectively. He can negotiate mediocre compromises to get politically troublesome issues off the table, or he can do nothing and get the Republican house majority demonized into being a house minority by November.

How is this not obvious?

Nobody in his circumstances can do any better. Many could cause a disaster, however.
Kraft Punk
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Needs to happen until we have a speaker willing to shut down establishment spending
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She's doing exactly what her constituents elected her to do. I wish others in Congress would ****ing do the same. At some point the insane spending has to stop.
Logos Stick
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Ag CPA said:

Logos Stick said:

Johnson needs to go.

The CBO, which always underestimates the cost of everything, says the deficit this year will be $1.6 trillion. I bet it tops $2 trillion. We are in a doom loop.

Had we not passed this thing, automatic spending cuts would have kicked in that Dementia Joe had already signed off on.

Again, who is electable who you would like to replace him?

Cry crying and give some solutions.

Honestly, I take back what I said about Johnson. I was frustrated. I don't care about the House anymore. It's meaningless. They can elect Hakeem for all I care.

The only way to force cuts is through a shutdown and that's never happening. Had they simply forced a shutdown this time, on April 1st, small, automatic cuts would have been law. Instead, we will add another $1.6+ trillion to the debt this year.

The Dems can have complete control of the House forever as far as I'm concerned. The Rs are worthless.

We now spend more on the interest on the debt than our military. Biden has almost added as much to the debt in 4 years as Obama did in 8. And he had no extraordinary event occur during his term. He had a vax and the pandemic was behind us. It's unsustainable.
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We just had 101 Republicans vote to help secure other countries borders and leave ours wide open. Mike Johnson and every one of the 101 republicans that went for this load of garbage can GF themselves. Unfortunately the problem isn't just Johnson. The same problems perpetuate no matter who holds the gavel. Remember when GOP held the House, Senate & majority of governorships and the only thing they did was hamstring Trump? Congress needs to be gutted. And that won't happen. Now Gallagher is bailing evrly leaving a one seat majority, Hakeem has to be foaming at the mouth.
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience" - Mark Twain
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What is a DEI zoo?
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Couldn't care less. Politicians should try to do productive things.
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Malibu said:

Here's how this will probably play out.

Scenario 1: Not even Gaetz will go alon with this one and MTG gets her press conference and life goes on.

Scenario 2: MTG has the votes to remove Johnson. Dems cant get speaker Jeffries but but in order to save Johnson demand their ounce of flesh: Ukraine funding and Senate passed border bill get floor votes. Checkmate libs!
Scenario 3: MTG has the votes to remove Johnson. Dems can't get speaker Jeffires, but find 7-8 Rino reps who still keep in touch with Liz. Liz gives away the farm to the Dems in order to return to Washington and give a big FU to conservatives. Once installed as SOH, Liz switches parties in a final FU to the Rinos.
Build It
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I'll support her in this. He violated the Hastert rule. That bill should never have made it to the floor for a vote.

Dan Scott
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Conservatives don't know how to govern. It's in their nature. They are better at bringing light to an issue but don't know how to solve anything. You need people like that in government but not as a majority.
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TheBonifaceOption said:

YellowPot_97 said:

MemphisAg1 said:

I'm 9 out of 10 on a conservative scale but can't stand these idiots (MTG) that think blowing up the party is the way to win. But hey, we nominated Trump again, the one R candidate who can lose to Biden.

Maybe we do need to just let the whole thing burn down and live with several more years under Marxist control before we're ready to come together as one party to get elected and advance a conservative agenda.

This right here factually incorrect.

And Trump is wiping the floor with Biden in all the BG states. Not just head to head, but in the 6 way polls too.

Biden is massively hated by his base over Hamas/Israel and generally being an embarrassment. The party should have let RFKJ have a fair primary fight.

Trump will win 2024...with 300+ EVs.
Let's bookmark this and come back to it after the election.

I hope you're right and will eat crow if so. But I see four more years of Biden and probably with a Dem Congress.
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I am not going to read the posts until I post my mind:

MTG and a few others have had ENOUGH! They are going to do what we all think and say. They are doers and the rest are laundry on the line.

Im Gipper
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IndividualFreedom said:

I am not going to read the posts until I post my mind:

MTG and a few others have had ENOUGH! They are going to do what we all think and say. They are doers and the rest are laundry on the line.


MTG knows this isn't going anywhere. She said as much.! She isn't doing anything!

By the way, she tried to keep McCarthy in power! Yeah, she's a "doer".

I'm Gipper
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Gaw617 said:

Mike Johnson is a complete failure like just about everyone in Washington. You don't have to pass anything if it's garbage. Let the government shutdown. The country is significantly better when Washington does less. But he is too dumb to even do that.

I agree. Shut the damn government down until the border is secured! The media is going to make everything the Republicans fault anyway so who care.
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