Trump Wants To Send Kill Squads After Mexican Cartel Leaders

8,481 Views | 132 Replies | Last: 22 days ago by El Gallo Blanco
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Irish 2.0 said:

Should've happened years ago, but I guess ATF doesn't want to lose out on their off the books revenue stream with the cartels.

Maybe domestic terror organizations such as Antifa and BLM could be quietly added to their scope of mission.
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If Trump really said this he is just pandering to his minions.

All this talk about compounds and drones and the like is just fanciful. The vast majority of cartel "members" are Jose and Maria Siespak, average everyday citizens that operate on the periphery of a vast intertwined, yet ever morphing, criminal enterprise. There are no "compounds" or "HQ's" or "Cuarteles" and such to bomb and drone. Many supporters of the so called "cartels", which reminds me to back up as there are really aren't any more "cartels" like in the sensible bad ol' days, are just everyday people.

The supposed leaders are figure heads for the most part that do nothing more than mediate and officiate loose affiliations of unwieldy amalgamations of mid to low level criminals. There is no big time structure and organization. All those glossed up videos of guy in tactical gear and uniforms and stuff are the equivalent of a Kotex commercial, where a beautiful girl is riding horses through the surf on the beach. Pure fantasy that is basically used as a recruiting tool and to possibly scare other folks. Where the rubber meets the road the Cartel guys get smoked immaculate going up against the ever competent Mexican military, think about that.

For every coked up 15 year old with an AK that you see in the salacious pictures bandied about there are prolly 15 other folks that cook in safe houses, deliver messages, fix the cars, buy the groceries, and do all kinds of mundane stuff. The big, bad thug groups are really nothing but untrained, unskilled, cannon fodder that are employed to sow fear into an unarmed populace that has been abandoned by their government. The "cartel soldiers" could be wiped out by the KISS Army, no real Army needed.

Now, the rub is that as soon as you kill off all the thugs the smuggling, doping, trafficking, and exploiting continues. That is where the $$ is and that is what supports all the mayhem.

What happens when a "kill squad" member shows up to Ol' Mexico and figures out he could work with the guys he is supposed to kill and make 20X the money he could being a member of whatever organization he is in? Plus all the brown-breasted-mattress thrashers he handle and blow and mota and what not. Money corrupts in a big and bad way. And the criminal organizations have more of it that Carter has pills. Most folks in Mexico don't want the "cartels" to go away, Lord knows the government doesn't either. And a lot of folks in the US are fans as well. It is huge business "fighting" the cartels and it huge business helping the cartels.

The only thing any US politician has done in 60 years to actually slow the crime groups in Mex was what Trump did when he threatened tariffs. Amongst the few smart things he did and it worked. Just the threat of his unpredictability scared the piss outta Mexico. The this ignorant and corrupt cretin of FJB came along and increased their business prolly 500% while lowering their costs by probablly 70%.

The crap that has happened is just lunacy.
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An excellent idea
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Perfect! That's exactly what needs to happen.
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Lol just rhetoric for basheep.
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I don't know how to do it but the only way to curb cartel activity is attack the money. They cannot continue to be some of the richest people on the planet. We need to steal their money and create very unfavorable economic conditions for their drug and human trafficking businesses.

They have been paying off the Mexican government for years and now they are paying off ours. We have to take away the ability to corrupt and that will have to be on an economic level.

  • We need to be better at seizing their cash and assets using it to combat them
  • We need to reduce the demand for their services
  • We need to raise the price of business

Again, I don't know how to do this but it has to be about the money. Every time a cartel leader is killed, another one pops up in his place. We have to kill the business and not just the leaders. I know it will never completely disappear but the business is WAY too profitable currently.
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Amen, you get it.
El Gallo Blanco
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RGV AG said:

If Trump really said this he is just pandering to his minions.

All this talk about compounds and drones and the like is just fanciful. The vast majority of cartel "members" are Jose and Maria Siespak, average everyday citizens that operate on the periphery of a vast intertwined, yet ever morphing, criminal enterprise. There are no "compounds" or "HQ's" or "Cuarteles" and such to bomb and drone. Many supporters of the so called "cartels", which reminds me to back up as there are really aren't any more "cartels" like in the sensible bad ol' days, are just everyday people.
Have a deck of cards for each cartel then like we did in Desert storm. We can do it with desert and mountain wizards across the globe, why not evil, fat, half-literate meathead Mexicans close by? If it involves killing some gueros and government officials who are in bed with them, so be it.

You can't tell me these freaks don't have exquisit mansions, yachts and compounds for us to bomb. And wives and children for us to kill. Have you seen some of their "mosoleums"? Bomb those too.

Sick of people like you always white knighting for these evil blood thirsty ghouls. Why are you against killing them? You're far more Mexican than American. Your posting history makes that clear.
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All Mexican politicians are on cartels payroll.

Biden requested help from Mexico who responded eat sand.

Yall remember this movie? Didn't take much to take out the Cocaine cartel. We should do it.

El Gallo Blanco
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Ridgeback85 said:

I don't know how to do it but the only way to curb cartel activity is attack the money. They cannot continue to be some of the richest people on the planet. We need to steal their money and create very unfavorable economic conditions for their drug and human trafficking businesses.

They have been paying off the Mexican government for years and now they are paying off ours. We have to take away the ability to corrupt and that will have to be on an economic level.

  • We need to be better at seizing their cash and assets using it to combat them
  • We need to reduce the demand for their services
  • We need to raise the price of business

Again, I don't know how to do this but it has to be about the money. Every time a cartel leader is killed, another one pops up in his place. We have to kill the business and not just the leaders. I know it will never completely disappear but the business is WAY too profitable currently.
If we can't kill a few hundres of the top criminals in Mexico, our military is useless, hang it up. Crazy how so many of you want these guys to live.

"Just tax them or freeze accounts and they'll stop...but please don't hurt them!!!"

Sound like a bunch of maricas.
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Ridgeback85 said:

I don't know how to do it but the only way to curb cartel activity is attack the money. They cannot continue to be some of the richest people on the planet. We need to steal their money and create very unfavorable economic conditions for their drug and human trafficking businesses.

They have been paying off the Mexican government for years and now they are paying off ours. We have to take away the ability to corrupt and that will have to be on an economic level.

  • We need to be better at seizing their cash and assets using it to combat them
  • We need to reduce the demand for their services
  • We need to raise the price of business

Again, I don't know how to do this but it has to be about the money. Every time a cartel leader is killed, another one pops up in his place. We have to kill the business and not just the leaders. I know it will never completely disappear but the business is WAY too profitable currently.

This is not going to happen. Drug cartels use the same global financial shelters as the 'Global Elites'. See Panama Papers, NarcoFiles, et al.

ETA: The largest banks in the world are in on it too.
one safe place
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I support eradicating cartels, in Mexico, Colony Ridge, and other cesspools. Don't have to send kill squads, we can use drones and other weapons. If we accidentally got some of their government officials, then oops. Probably not a lot of difference anyway. It should be frequent and severe. They should fear for their life, all day, every day. I don't care really about collateral damage. Don't harbor cartel folks and you will not run the risk of us killing you due to your proximity. Self-police.
El Gallo Blanco
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one safe place said:

I support eradicating cartels, in Mexico, Colony Ridge, and other cesspools. Don't have to send kill squads, we can use drones and other weapons. If we accidentally got some of their government officials, then oops. Probably not a lot of difference anyway. It should be frequent and severe. They should fear for their life, all day, every day. I don't care really about collateral damage. Don't harbor cartel folks and you will not run the risk of us killing you due to your proximity. Self-police.
This. Save the kill squads for those hunkering down in places like Carlton Woods, Rancho Santa Fe, Scottsdale etc. Would be easy for them, but serve as good practice drills. Kill everyone in the house. Eradicate bloodlines. Evil can be genetic.
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You think we'll see Mexican students at Ivy League schools (peacefully) protesting in support of the Cartels?
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Sick of people like you always white knighting for these evil blood thirsty ghouls. Why are you against killing them? You're far more Mexican than American. Your posting history makes that clear.
Really? What in the Wide World of Sports makes you think I am against killing violent, abhorrent criminals of any kind? You are showing that you truly do not understand what you are calling the "cartel" issue in Mexico and how it impacts the US. Did the Gulf Cartel stop being evil when Juan Garcia Abrego went to the hoosegow? What about after Ossiel Cardenas? Did the Sinaloa deal stop when Guzman was locked up? Did the state of Michoacan turn to milk and honey when they popped "La Tuta"? Therein lies the results of individual replacement.

Would you be for killing someone who is forced into a life of crime at gunpoint, when they can have no guns for defense, and whose government is almost overtly complicit with this type of situation? Would you be for killing someone, say a struggling small business owner, who has children to feed and educate who will be killed if he/she doesn't cooperate with violent thugs that operate with impunity? Kill the thugs? Sure, I am all for it.

The rub is that the money to fund the thugs is always there and the thugs are replaceable. I am a Texan first and foremost, born here of a Texan mother. I am Mexican by my father's nationality and have spent a considerable portion of my life living and working in Mexico. My life, and my ability to support my family, has been directly, and I mean directly, impacted by the devolving Mexican crime situation. I have been threatened by thugs and posers of the "cartel" and a large segment of what I enjoyed in life has been taken from me by this situation. I would venture to say that I don't know of anyone that posts on this board that has been more directly impacted, and that has the level of hatred that I have for the situation and the "cartels".

You reference my posting history, if you have read many of my posts you know that I have always advocated kicking the crooked ass Mexican government in the balls early and often. But indiscriminate killing, without going the full monty, is just pissing in the wind. All it will do is rotate the players a little faster.

The United States government has no true interest in changing Mexico and forcing their corrupt ass government to improve the lot for their own citizens. You wanna reduce the piss outta the cartels? Force Mexico to reform their antiquated and dysfunctional system of government. The US has a neighbor whose manner of running their affairs is absolute crap and has been for a long time. Yet nothing of substance is done about the root cause of the problem.

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Last year, a cartel mistakenly killed American tourist in Mexico. By the US government just mentioning that they were prepared to list them as a terrorist organization, the cartels immediately gave up some sacrificial members as the perpetrators of the crime to appease us.

The cartels are afraid of being labeled as terrorist organizations for they know that no matter how much Mexico complains, they would have cross hairs on their backs.
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DEA Intelligence unit knows exactly where cartel leaders live, hide and spend time. It is not a secret. They know everything about where these people go. We've just never had a president willing to do anything with that information.

The only things these feral thugs understand is force. Kill them in significant enough numbers and you can control them. Violence is an answer to this issue, question is are we willing to do what it would take.
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45-70Ag said:

DEA Intelligence unit knows exactly where cartel leaders live, hide and spend time. It is not a secret. They know everything about where these people go. We've just never had a president willing to do anything with that information.

The only things these feral thugs understand is force. Kill them in significant enough numbers and you can control them. Violence is an answer to this issue, question is are we willing to do what it would take.

We have to hit these goons hard! Are we worried about what Mexico thinks of us? That country has been undermining us for 50+ years.
Funky Winkerbean
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Madman said:

Plus how do you send a kill team after guys that are also probably simultaneously on CIA payroll?

Purge the CIA first?
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We should concentrate on the cartel organization at the border. The coyotes pushing illegals to overwhelm sectors to allow goods to move at other parts of the border. The look outs. The human network on our side of the border.

It is an insurgency and should be treated as such.
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Ridgeback85 said:

I don't know how to do it but the only way to curb cartel activity is attack the money. They cannot continue to be some of the richest people on the planet. We need to steal their money and create very unfavorable economic conditions for their drug and human trafficking businesses.

They have been paying off the Mexican government for years and now they are paying off ours. We have to take away the ability to corrupt and that will have to be on an economic level.

  • We need to be better at seizing their cash and assets using it to combat them
  • We need to reduce the demand for their services
  • We need to raise the price of business

Again, I don't know how to do this but it has to be about the money. Every time a cartel leader is killed, another one pops up in his place. We have to kill the business and not just the leaders. I know it will never completely disappear but the business is WAY too profitable currently.

Sounds like another issue where we favor someone else's border over our own. We've confiscated Russian oligarch wealth and Russian assets for their invasion of Ukraine, right or wrong.

So the precedent is set. There should be nothing keeping us from doing the same to Mexico and its cartel leaders especially considering the fact that the Mexican president has openly declared and demanded that we accept his illegals as well as everyone south of him.

I would have already sent a missile into his bedroom but that's just me.
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Seeing choice movie clips of a fantasy as suggestions for a solution is evidence of just how far removed from reality we are. We have to look inward first.
El Gallo Blanco
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RGV AG said:


Sick of people like you always white knighting for these evil blood thirsty ghouls. Why are you against killing them? You're far more Mexican than American. Your posting history makes that clear.
Really? What in the Wide World of Sports makes you think I am against killing violent, abhorrent criminals of any kind? You are showing that you truly do not understand what you are calling the "cartel" issue in Mexico and how it impacts the US. Did the Gulf Cartel stop being evil when Juan Garcia Abrego went to the hoosegow? What about after Ossiel Cardenas? Did the Sinaloa deal stop when Guzman was locked up? Did the state of Michoacan turn to milk and honey when they popped "La Tuta"? Therein lies the results of individual replacement.

Would you be for killing someone who is forced into a life of crime at gunpoint, when they can have no guns for defense, and whose government is almost overtly complicit with this type of situation? Would you be for killing someone, say a struggling small business owner, who has children to feed and educate who will be killed if he/she doesn't cooperate with violent thugs that operate with impunity? Kill the thugs? Sure, I am all for it.

The rub is that the money to fund the thugs is always there and the thugs are replaceable. I am a Texan first and foremost, born here of a Texan mother. I am Mexican by my father's nationality and have spent a considerable portion of my life living and working in Mexico. My life, and my ability to support my family, has been directly, and I mean directly, impacted by the devolving Mexican crime situation. I have been threatened by thugs and posers of the "cartel" and a large segment of what I enjoyed in life has been taken from me by this situation. I would venture to say that I don't know of anyone that posts on this board that has been more directly impacted, and that has the level of hatred that I have for the situation and the "cartels".

You reference my posting history, if you have read many of my posts you know that I have always advocated kicking the crooked ass Mexican government in the balls early and often. But indiscriminate killing, without going the full monty, is just pissing in the wind. All it will do is rotate the players a little faster.

The United States government has no true interest in changing Mexico and forcing their corrupt ass government to improve the lot for their own citizens. You wanna reduce the piss outta the cartels? Force Mexico to reform their antiquated and dysfunctional system of government. The US has a neighbor whose manner of running their affairs is absolute crap and has been for a long time. Yet nothing of substance is done about the root cause of the problem.

We have been playing softball. Imagine that we circle a thousand of the most powerful cartel members across the entire country and associates and kill them and their families. Then kill whoever replaces them. From the sky...make it the least fair fight they could have ever imagined. As if God himself is striking them down in their sleep. Keep doing it with any godless illiterate savage that tries to replace them. At least it would be doing the right thing.

HELLNO to attacking honest people and business owners who have been forced to catering to them in any low level way.

There has to be a way to stop *****footing and kill a bunch of the high level money guys. Especially the ones who have embedded themselves here...nothing can convince me there aren't a few sprinkled in places like Carlton Woods and the rich enclaves of San Antonio etc. Anyone found on our soil should be assasinated in the dead of the night, along with their families. I'd go so far as to hang them from the 610 bridge to put Mexican politicians on notice, but that's just me.

These evil savages will only understand violence.

EDIT: I do realize that this is all a pipe dream and that nothing will ever get done and it will in fact probably only get worse and spill more and more onto our turf.
El Gallo Blanco
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ts5641 said:

45-70Ag said:

DEA Intelligence unit knows exactly where cartel leaders live, hide and spend time. It is not a secret. They know everything about where these people go. We've just never had a president willing to do anything with that information.

The only things these feral thugs understand is force. Kill them in significant enough numbers and you can control them. Violence is an answer to this issue, question is are we willing to do what it would take.

We have to hit these goons hard! Are we worried about what Mexico thinks of us? That country has been undermining us for 50+ years.
Mexico is a peice of sh** country. Third world. I have always wanted to like them, but they offer us nothing, and only take, and kill.

I agree, we should worry about upsetting them about as much as we worry about hurting an ant while walking to our car in the driveway. They are nothing.
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The only thing that holds society together is rule of law and people willing to enforce it.
If you are not stronger than your enemy - you lose.

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Boss, to your point there are thousands of people in the US that are affiliated, supporting, and benefitting with and from "cartel" tie in. Many in high places, many who don't even know it.

The whole "open border" deal is not the only problem. The vast majority of the dope doesn't come across the river or land border, it is in all the commercial shipments done out of Mex. The crime groups have infiltrated everyone and everything from Ford to the largest produce importers into the US.

Just Laredo alone crosses about 15,000 trucks every 24 hours. Now do Juarez, TJ, Pharr, Browntown, and all the other crossings.

Illegals are walking across the border with forward travel papers in hand by the thousands everyday, via US Gov invitation.

What has to change is internal US policy first and then basically ensuring a forced Mexican revolution from the exterior.

None of this does any politician, no matter the party, have the stomach for.

And not all US based "cartel" associates are illegal alien Mexicans by any stretch.

The money involved will corrupt almost anyone.

What I have never F'ing understood is why the US government doesn't offer temporary work visas at say $3,500 a pop with a $500 yearly renewal based on good conduct. Most decent illegals will take that deal as it is cheaper and safer that the cartels.

This is all non-sensical lunacy administered by bought and paid for politicians on the US side.
El Gallo Blanco
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RGV AG said:

Boss, to your point there are thousands of people in the US that are affiliated, supporting, and benefitting with and from "cartel" tie in. Many in high places, many who don't even know it.

The whole "open border" deal is not the only problem. The vast majority of the dope doesn't come across the river or land border, it is in all the commercial shipments done out of Mex. The crime groups have infiltrated everyone and everything from Ford to the largest produce importers into the US.

Just Laredo alone crosses about 15,000 trucks every 24 hours. Now do Juarez, TJ, Pharr, Browntown, and all the other crossings.

Illegals are walking across the border with forward travel papers in hand by the thousands everyday, via US Gov invitation.

What has to change is internal US policy first and then basically ensuring a forced Mexican revolution from the exterior.

None of this does any politician, no matter the party, have the stomach for.

And not all US based "cartel" associates are illegal alien Mexicans by any stretch.

The money involved will corrupt almost anyone.

What I have never F'ing understood is why the US government doesn't offer temporary work visas at say $3,500 a pop with a $500 yearly renewal based on good conduct. Most decent illegals will take that deal as it is cheaper and safer that the cartels.

This is all non-sensical lunacy administered by bought and paid for politicians on the US side.
Kill them. I know three people who have accidental overdosed on fent. 2 died...the other that barely lived is very close to me and the trauma has lasted years. I shed no tears for these people who collaborate in any way. Gang bangers working with cartels? Kill em. White politicians on their payroll in any way? Kill em.

I realize this will never happen...just saying what SHOULD happen in a just world. When 5 terrorists kill 3,000 of our people, we wage a global war and kill thousands of people. When our neighbors kill tens of thousands of our people, mostly youth, we do NOTHING.

Agreed with your second point. I wouldn't rule out a hybrid approach. I have nothing but love for most mexicans/mex-americans I have ever met. My Houston elementary was prob 75% hispanic, 95% of those people were good to me.
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