Thoughts on the possible decline of success and achievements for men?

10,829 Views | 178 Replies | Last: 17 days ago by Stonegateag85
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I have a young son and this is a topic I've been thinking about quite a bit lately.

At my high school alma mater, which has always been a highly competitive school, recently released their top ten graduating seniors and they were all women. This is the first time I had ever seen this, or know of this happening.

Now, this could be an outlier, the year before the ratio was 6 men and 4 women.

But there are several social indicators of women outperforming men across the board in recent years, like professional degrees, college admissions, and earnings. However, I certainly don't believe this is as a result of men simply being less capable.

Now, obviously much of this is a result of the inequalities women faced many years ago and attempts to correct it but at the same time there has been a huge villainizing of men and masculinity in media, society, and many times in the work place.

The question I have is, is the correction of equal opportunity for women over corrected to the point of needlessly villainizing men and resulting in less desire for boys and men to achieve, be productive members of society, and work to accomplish goals?

Logos Stick
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Yes. Next question.

War on Boys was published in 2009:

"Girls and women were once second-class citizens in the nation's schools. Americans responded with concerted efforts to give girls and women the attention and assistance that was long overdue. Now, after two major waves of feminism and decades of policy reform, women have made massive strides in education. Today they outperform men in nearly every measure of social, academic, and vocational well-being.

Sommers argues that the problem of male underachievement is persistent and worsening. Among the new topics Sommers tackles: how the war against boys is harming our economic future, and how boy-averse trends such as the decline of recess and zero-tolerance disciplinary policies have turned our schools into hostile environments for boys. As our schools become more feelings-centered, risk-averse, competition-free, and sedentary, they move further and further from the characteristic needs of boys. She offers realistic, achievable solutions to these problems that include boy-friendly pedagogy, character and vocational education, and the choice of single-sex classrooms."
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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If I were taught math like my son was taught math today I would have failed out of school.

Back in the old days you had clear math books with examples of how to solve problems. Problems to work on at end of chapter. Odd problems gave answers to know if you worked it out correctly.

Today the teacher give pages and pages of notes requiring the student to fill it out during lecture... and unorganized boy is doomed.

I'd argue most middle school and early high school aged boys who might excel at math lack the organizational skills that generally come easier to girls to be successful in this type of learning environment
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The entirety of the education system is designed around feminine behavior and is heavily skewed to hamstringing males. As you have noticed boys have been villainized to the point that many are withdrawing and refusing to participate.
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When will we learn that just because someone got average grades in high school they can still be incredibly successful.

Those top female students will want to have kids and raise families, while the men will grind to reach the top.
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Muy said:

When will we learn that just because someone got average grades in high school they can still be incredibly successful.

Those top female students will want to have kids and raise families, while the men will grind to reach the top.

I had a 3.1 GPA in high school, went to Arizona State and graduated college with a sterling 2.2 GPA and now I make 6 figures at 28 years old in a sales job and own a house. School doesn't teach you anything useful unless it's STEM. I say this as a political science major. I actually look back and realize 90% of my teachers were morons who wouldn't last 5 minutes in the private sector.

My girlfriend gets irritated because she knows how lazy I was with school and she makes about $95k (which is awesome and she's very smart) but she busted her tail and was a straight A student and we ended up in roughly the same position. I always laugh and say "school doesn't teach you everything!"

I think there's a ton of guys like me who were just bored in class and didn't really try very hard. My biggest problems were studying, organization, lack of interest in most topics and turning in assignments. I always liked to read stuff about history, economics, and investing. Reading "The Great Gatsby" wouldn't have taught me anything. I guess I also prioritized sports and socializing which probably helps me in my job. It's fun talking to people, learning about their businesses and trying to figure out how to help them out.
Maroon Dawn
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The Democrats are the party of Women. That's just reality. If only men voted Dems would never win another election again.

They want women (especially minority women who are Dem loyal to the tune of nearly 99%) in every position of power possible in both government and private sectors so they can defacto control the country via loyalists in all positions that matter like and all good National Socialist government do
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Women Suffrage Movement has never stopped. They want "equality" but their only measurements, salary and station, are selective and flawed.

Young white men are being told they are racists, sexist and stupid enough times that it is defeating. They are told masculinity is toxic.

White liberal women have destroyed this country in the past 100 years and, the funny thing is, they all secretly hate what they have done.
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I would not get too worked up about high school class rank. There will much greater measures of accomplishment ahead.
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A good example of this is in the MSM. In interviews, about various subjects, it is predominately woman that are interviewed even though the subject matter does include men.

And even today, the local news showed photos of graduating seniors and for every one boy, there were nine girls. I am sure that there were a lot more boy photos that were sent in but the news chose to show girls.
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I agree with the sentiment that the education system sets up better for girls than boys. Girls are more organized and less distracted than boys. They do better in the classroom because their study habits are better. Combine that with boys being told that they're scum all the time and you get what you get.
Bird Poo
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I don't know. The Catholic Church I attended the other day announced scholarships after mass. All 10 were female. This church is not some some parish that prioritizes females over males.

I think technology is making young males stupid and lazy. Combined with the lack of opportunity to "learn the hard way" from parents willing to be a constant backstop, young men today lack the drive of previous generations, IMO. Fear of failure paralyzes them into indecision. It's a strange phenomenon that I've seen with a LOT of young men.

I have 4 boys and 2 girls. Just speaking from my observation.
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bayareaag17 said:

Muy said:

When will we learn that just because someone got average grades in high school they can still be incredibly successful.

Those top female students will want to have kids and raise families, while the men will grind to reach the top.

I had a 3.1 GPA in high school, went to Arizona State and graduated college with a sterling 2.2 GPA and now I make 6 figures at 28 years old in a sales job and own a house. School doesn't teach you anything useful unless it's STEM. I say this as a political science major. I actually look back and realize 90% of my teachers were morons who wouldn't last 5 minutes in the private sector.

My girlfriend gets irritated because she knows how lazy I was with school and she makes about $95k (which is awesome and she's very smart) but she busted her tail and was a straight A student and we ended up in roughly the same position. I always laugh and say "school doesn't teach you everything!"

I think there's a ton of guys like me who were just bored in class and didn't really try very hard. My biggest problems were studying, organization, lack of interest in most topics and turning in assignments. I always liked to read stuff about history, economics, and investing. Reading "The Great Gatsby" wouldn't have taught me anything. I guess I also prioritized sports and socializing which probably helps me in my job. It's fun talking to people, learning about their businesses and trying to figure out how to help them out.

Yup. Education does not equal success, necessarily. But we are told from an early age it does.
Buy a man eat fish, he day, teach fish man, to a lifetime.

- Joe Biden

I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris
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Men will become important again when the world finally goes to crap and the life one knows changes for the worst.
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Girls have p....

Boys spend all their time trying to figure out how to get p....

Advantage girls.

But in reality we live in a society where, for boys especially, athletic achievement is FAR more respected than academic achievement at the high school level.

Study hard, rank high, get accepted to a good college... gets you bullied and treated like garbage for being smarter than everybody else.

Be illiterate, run fast, jump high... get a parade and t-shirts made honoring your achievements, and a signing ceremony if a college wants you to run fast and jump high there.
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Maybe girls are better at overcoming bad parenting compared to boys.
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My guess is it's an anomaly
The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. -- Abraham Lincoln.
Emotional Support Cobra
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Boys are treated like defective girls instead of like boys.
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Emotional Support Cobra said:

Boys are treated like defective girls instead of like boys.
agz win
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shiftyandquick said:

Maybe girls are better at overcoming bad parenting compared to boys.

Excellent. Playing 5D chess.
Nanomachines son
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Bird Poo said:

I don't know. The Catholic Church I attended the other day announced scholarships after mass. All 10 were female. This church is not some some parish that prioritizes females over males.

I think technology is making young males stupid and lazy. Combined with the lack of opportunity to "learn the hard way" from parents willing to be a constant backstop, young men today lack the drive of previous generations, IMO. Fear of failure paralyzes them into indecision. It's a strange phenomenon that I've seen with a LOT of young men.

I have 4 boys and 2 girls. Just speaking from my observation.

Men do better on all standardized tests across the board, so no men are not dumber. School is heavily female biased and frankly boring as hell for most men. High school was a joke for me and that was 25 years ago. I doubt much has changed in schools about how easy it is. There is no reason to work when school is this easy.

I never really had to try until later classes at A&M and then grad school. Once I did I got almost all A's.
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As a former member of the only non-protected class, I can tell you that your son will be more successful than those in protected classes because he will have to work harder than they will.

They might start ahead of him but, they'll never learn to work as hard as your son.

And, after a while, they'll never be able to catch up to where he is.

But this hinges on your son having some ambition and work ethic and not being a momma's boy who never leaves home.

You'll have to challenge him along the way because school ain't going to do it alone. He'll need exposure to sports, music, community service and of course how to perform hard work and not quit.

If he doesn't go to A&M, I suggest someplace like Virginia Military Institute.

Somebody on the Boy Scouts thread mentioned Philmont and that's exactly the kind of accomplishment that doesn't show up on the transcript that will make a huge difference in his long term success.
Logos Stick
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Maroon Dawn said:

The Democrats are the party of Women. That's just reality. If only men voted Dems would never win another election again.

They want women (especially minority women) in every position of power possible in both government and private sectors so they can defacto control the country via loyalists in all positions that matter like and goid National Socialist government dies

It's quite ironic.
Logos Stick
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Nanomachines son said:

Bird Poo said:

I don't know. The Catholic Church I attended the other day announced scholarships after mass. All 10 were female. This church is not some some parish that prioritizes females over males.

I think technology is making young males stupid and lazy. Combined with the lack of opportunity to "learn the hard way" from parents willing to be a constant backstop, young men today lack the drive of previous generations, IMO. Fear of failure paralyzes them into indecision. It's a strange phenomenon that I've seen with a LOT of young men.

I have 4 boys and 2 girls. Just speaking from my observation.

Men do better on all standardized tests across the board, so no men are not dumber. School is heavily female biased and frankly boring as hell for most men. High school was a joke for me and that was 25 years ago. I doubt much has changed in schools about how easy it is. There is no reason to work when school is this easy.

I never really had to try until later classes at A&M and then grad school. Once I did I got almost all A's.

When it comes to stem, on average, men outperform females and it's not close. Many believe it's testosterone related. Men have risen to the top in those disciplines because they excel in them.

The fact that you kicked it in and ended with straight As is very impressive . I graduated with a bit over 3.5 gpa in engineering, but I worked my ass off to get it. I don't have an intellectual gift.
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High school was a collosal waste of time and resources. Everything could have been done in 2-4 semesters

So much of grades are really just rewarding behavioral efforts not achievements or practical knowledge

Edited to add that just this week they've taken the Boy out of the Boy Scouts title. Less and less places where men are allowed to exist and be embraced for being men/boys and yet everyone else and every other subcategory is elevated over men.
no sig
Nanomachines son
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Logos Stick said:

Nanomachines son said:

Bird Poo said:

I don't know. The Catholic Church I attended the other day announced scholarships after mass. All 10 were female. This church is not some some parish that prioritizes females over males.

I think technology is making young males stupid and lazy. Combined with the lack of opportunity to "learn the hard way" from parents willing to be a constant backstop, young men today lack the drive of previous generations, IMO. Fear of failure paralyzes them into indecision. It's a strange phenomenon that I've seen with a LOT of young men.

I have 4 boys and 2 girls. Just speaking from my observation.

Men do better on all standardized tests across the board, so no men are not dumber. School is heavily female biased and frankly boring as hell for most men. High school was a joke for me and that was 25 years ago. I doubt much has changed in schools about how easy it is. There is no reason to work when school is this easy.

I never really had to try until later classes at A&M and then grad school. Once I did I got almost all A's.

When it comes to stem, on average, men outperform females and it's not close. Many believe it's testosterone related. Men have risen to the top in those disciplines because they excel in them.

The fact that you kicked it in and ended with straight As is very impressive . I graduated with a bit over 3.5 gpa in engineering, but I literally worked my ass off to get it. I don't have an intellectual gift.

Well I slacked off far too much in undergrad my first few years and partied way too hard. My gpa in undergrad was not the greatest until I started studying in my junior and senior years. My gpa in grad school was more than 1 point higher than undergrad.

I'm not special though and I knew many men smarter than me. I have never met a top tier female engineer in my career though, not one. A lot of average ones sure, but none that were exceptional. By comparison I have met many exceptional male engineers and by and large the men are much better in the field on average than the women.
Bird Poo
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Nanomachines son said:

Bird Poo said:

I don't know. The Catholic Church I attended the other day announced scholarships after mass. All 10 were female. This church is not some some parish that prioritizes females over males.

I think technology is making young males stupid and lazy. Combined with the lack of opportunity to "learn the hard way" from parents willing to be a constant backstop, young men today lack the drive of previous generations, IMO. Fear of failure paralyzes them into indecision. It's a strange phenomenon that I've seen with a LOT of young men.

I have 4 boys and 2 girls. Just speaking from my observation.

Men do better on all standardized tests across the board, so no men are not dumber. School is heavily female biased and frankly boring as hell for most men. High school was a joke for me and that was 25 years ago. I doubt much has changed in schools about how easy it is. There is no reason to work when school is this easy.

I never really had to try until later classes at A&M and then grad school. Once I did I got almost all A's.

I'm speaking to their motivations (which are stupid). They're no longer motivated to be successful and raise a family.

True happiness is delayed as they prefer to sit in front of a screen and game all day. It delays their maturation.

We can sit here and ***** about how hard boys have it, but their success ultimately starts at home. Parents coddle these dumbasses and then complain about how hard it is for them.
American Hardwood
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APHIS AG said:

Men will become important again when the world finally goes to crap and the life one knows changes for the worst.
My thoughts exactly. Our clown world has become a pressure cooker. One thing that men will always be better at than women is killing other people, men and women included. Hope it doesn't come to that, but I think that is where we are headed unless the globalist dictators actually manage on enslaving the world first.
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The historic lack of educational opportunities for women is an interesting thing to me. I certainly don't deny that this was the case, but it wasn't the case for everyone. My great grandmother completed all the coursework (just not her dissertation) for a Ph.D. in Mathematics at LSU in the very early 1900s; she was then a math professor at Ole Miss for decades. Her daughter, my grandmother, had a masters degree (I believe) and was a math teacher for over 40 years. My mother graduated from Oxford High School in Mississippi in 1960, did a year at ACU, where she met my dad, then went back to Oxford to do a year at Ole Miss before getting married. She finally finished her degree in the 70s, and taught Home Economics for several years. She had two sisters and a brother, all of whom earned college degrees after being raised by a widowed school teacher.

As far as the decline in achievement among boys, I've seen it first-hand in my 21 years of public school teaching. I believe a great deal of it is not so much based in the rise of female achievement, as much as it is the rise of hip-hop culture that has focused on all the stuff hip-hop culture focuses on, rather than learning and growth. My brother has taught and coached in both private and public schools in Louisiana (he coached all the Robertson kids of "Duck Dynasty" fame) and Arkansas. In the private schools, he has seen high achievement in tons of kids regardless of gender. In the public schools, the boys aren't nearly as interested.
"Well, if you can’t have a great season, at least ruin somebody else’s." - Olin Buchanan
Nanomachines son
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Bird Poo said:

Nanomachines son said:

Bird Poo said:

I don't know. The Catholic Church I attended the other day announced scholarships after mass. All 10 were female. This church is not some some parish that prioritizes females over males.

I think technology is making young males stupid and lazy. Combined with the lack of opportunity to "learn the hard way" from parents willing to be a constant backstop, young men today lack the drive of previous generations, IMO. Fear of failure paralyzes them into indecision. It's a strange phenomenon that I've seen with a LOT of young men.

I have 4 boys and 2 girls. Just speaking from my observation.

Men do better on all standardized tests across the board, so no men are not dumber. School is heavily female biased and frankly boring as hell for most men. High school was a joke for me and that was 25 years ago. I doubt much has changed in schools about how easy it is. There is no reason to work when school is this easy.

I never really had to try until later classes at A&M and then grad school. Once I did I got almost all A's.

I'm speaking to their motivations (which are stupid). They're no longer motivated to be successful and raise a family.

True happiness is delayed as they prefer to sit in front of a screen and game all day. It delays their maturation.

We can sit here and ***** about how hard boys have it, but their success ultimately starts at home. Parents coddle these dumbasses and then complain about how hard it is for them.

Please tell me more about maturity when women are addicted to social media validation to a hilariously greater extent than men. Yeah it's just men who are immature and women definitely aren't told they are little princesses who can do no wrong and crater at the first sign of constructive criticism.

Gaming is not an issue. I played video games an enormous amount as a kid and I am married with kids of my own now. That is not and never was the problem, but people like you, who don't understand the real issues, blame games for making boys not care anymore despite the overwhelming evidence that most of these boys are told they are basically evil from birth and are worthless while watching women get every single major opportunity. Yeah I'm sure that had no effect upon how these boys viewed school or definitely helped pushed them to try harder.

As a parent there is only so much you can do to combat general society. I'm raising my boys to understand that nothing will ever be given to them by general society and that the world is likely going to treat them terribly because they are white and male. They will have to scratch and claw for everything in life even if school comes easy. However, I will not remain blissfully ignorant about how society will view them and I will prepare them as much as I can for this.
Bird Poo
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Nanomachines son said:

Bird Poo said:

Nanomachines son said:

Bird Poo said:

I don't know. The Catholic Church I attended the other day announced scholarships after mass. All 10 were female. This church is not some some parish that prioritizes females over males.

I think technology is making young males stupid and lazy. Combined with the lack of opportunity to "learn the hard way" from parents willing to be a constant backstop, young men today lack the drive of previous generations, IMO. Fear of failure paralyzes them into indecision. It's a strange phenomenon that I've seen with a LOT of young men.

I have 4 boys and 2 girls. Just speaking from my observation.

Men do better on all standardized tests across the board, so no men are not dumber. School is heavily female biased and frankly boring as hell for most men. High school was a joke for me and that was 25 years ago. I doubt much has changed in schools about how easy it is. There is no reason to work when school is this easy.

I never really had to try until later classes at A&M and then grad school. Once I did I got almost all A's.

I'm speaking to their motivations (which are stupid). They're no longer motivated to be successful and raise a family.

True happiness is delayed as they prefer to sit in front of a screen and game all day. It delays their maturation.

We can sit here and ***** about how hard boys have it, but their success ultimately starts at home. Parents coddle these dumbasses and then complain about how hard it is for them.

Please tell me more about maturity when women are addicted to social media validation to a hilariously greater extent than men. Yeah it's just men who are immature and women definitely aren't told they are little princesses who can do no wrong and crater at the first sign of constructive criticism.

Gaming is not an issue. I played video games an enormous amount as a kid and I am married with kids of my own now. That is not and never was the problem, but people like you, who don't understand the real issues, blame games for making boys not care anymore despite the overwhelming evidence that most of these boys are told they are basically evil from birth and are worthless while watching women get every single major opportunity. Yeah I'm sure that had no effect upon how these boys viewed school or definitely helped pushed them to try harder.

As a parent there is only so much you can do to combat general society. I'm raising my boys to understand that nothing will ever be given to them by general society and that the world is likely going to treat them terribly because they are white and male. They will have to scratch and claw for everything in life even if school comes easy. However, I will not remain blissfully ignorant about how society will view them and I will prepare them as much as I can for this.

People like me? LOL

My point is that people have a choice to raise young men to succeed. You can sit around and blame "society", but from my experience it starts at home.

I'm not saying that young men have a disadvantage. The question is, what are you going to do about it?
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Why do there have to be so many excuses made? The OP was about class rank, an objective criteria. If boys didn't make the grades oh well. Women are 49.6% of the population. They don't have to be considered a threat.
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ds00 said:

Why do there have to be so many excuses made? The OP was about class rank, an objective criteria. If boys didn't make the grades oh well. Women are 49.6% of the population. They don't have to be considered a threat.
Not quite.

If the class rank is based on grades earned in classes that are biased away from boys then the class rank is is just a measure of cumulative bias.

I'm not even going to include how there is a good percentage of teachers out there who will assign grades to a student based on personal feelings toward that student. Teachers used to hide personal vendettas but now they scream it on their Tic Tok videos.
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Nanomachines son said:

Bird Poo said:

Nanomachines son said:

Bird Poo said:

I don't know. The Catholic Church I attended the other day announced scholarships after mass. All 10 were female. This church is not some some parish that prioritizes females over males.

I think technology is making young males stupid and lazy. Combined with the lack of opportunity to "learn the hard way" from parents willing to be a constant backstop, young men today lack the drive of previous generations, IMO. Fear of failure paralyzes them into indecision. It's a strange phenomenon that I've seen with a LOT of young men.

I have 4 boys and 2 girls. Just speaking from my observation.

Men do better on all standardized tests across the board, so no men are not dumber. School is heavily female biased and frankly boring as hell for most men. High school was a joke for me and that was 25 years ago. I doubt much has changed in schools about how easy it is. There is no reason to work when school is this easy.

I never really had to try until later classes at A&M and then grad school. Once I did I got almost all A's.

I'm speaking to their motivations (which are stupid). They're no longer motivated to be successful and raise a family.

True happiness is delayed as they prefer to sit in front of a screen and game all day. It delays their maturation.

We can sit here and ***** about how hard boys have it, but their success ultimately starts at home. Parents coddle these dumbasses and then complain about how hard it is for them.

Please tell me more about maturity when women are addicted to social media validation to a hilariously greater extent than men. Yeah it's just men who are immature and women definitely aren't told they are little princesses who can do no wrong and crater at the first sign of constructive criticism.

Gaming is not an issue. I played video games an enormous amount as a kid and I am married with kids of my own now. That is not and never was the problem, but people like you, who don't understand the real issues, blame games for making boys not care anymore despite the overwhelming evidence that most of these boys are told they are basically evil from birth and are worthless while watching women get every single major opportunity. Yeah I'm sure that had no effect upon how these boys viewed school or definitely helped pushed them to try harder.

As a parent there is only so much you can do to combat general society. I'm raising my boys to understand that nothing will ever be given to them by general society and that the world is likely going to treat them terribly because they are white and male. They will have to scratch and claw for everything in life even if school comes easy. However, I will not remain blissfully ignorant about how society will view them and I will prepare them as much as I can for this.
Lot of harsh truths here. I have 2 boys, one in college and one in HS and I have gone out of my way to make sure they understand that no one will feel sorry for them, life is unfair, and they will have to just work that much harder than everyone else to succeed. It's worked better than I could have hoped and has given them a superpower. That superpower is they are much tougher than their competition, they brush off failures and it only makes them work harder. They have seen how that works. You get a door slammed and another opens if you keep working, eventually you find people that simply want the harder working person that doesn't sit around and complains, they just do. Very few women are like that because it works against their physiology and hormones that drives emotional behavior.

So much of school is designed around girls and to cater to them. Neither of my boys had what I would consider a masculine teacher until High School. They had 1 gay guy in their Elementary school and an ultra Beta in Middle School. The only masculine guys they saw were coaches. High school has been better but so much is already in place by then. You have to be actively engaged with boys as a parent or else it can end very badly.

It also never ceases to amaze me how much they reward females over males in education, it's even worse than the workforce. STEM is the worst. If a female shows any ability or interest at all they are praised and rewarded. If there is a club or activity they are always given preference both for membership and for leadership. My STEM focused son just kind of laughs about it as he sees the girls barely know what they are doing and constantly make mistakes he has to correct yet win all the awards and get the honors given by the teachers. He brushes it off because he is actually learning and knows what he is doing. Looking at applying to elite Engineering programs at places like Duke and they openly admit that a female gets double consideration over a male. Even a place like MIT is almost 50/50 Male/Female (52/48). If you honestly think that is because of merit for Engineering you need your head examined. That's fine, my son will simply outwork them and find his path.

Of course the sad thing is that I see so many of these women as a recruiter in Tech and they tend to burn out at a much faster rate than the men. Very few women truly love to do complex engineering for a variety of reasons and very few can do it better than men. So often they will pass the first interview but get crushed on the tech screen. Then if they get into management they really struggle with the stress and pace and ruthlessness of it. Jordan Peterson has given some great talks about this, it's just most women simply aren't willing to or don't want to make the level of sacrifices necessary to stay at the top in those worlds and if they do they are rarely happy.

One thing that flat out cracked me up though. I listen to a lot of Podcasts on College Admissions as my younger son is in that cycle. Realize that almost all of the folks that are in Admissions are Liberal Arts Majors that couldn't get a private sector job btw. They are also overwhelmingly female or very Beta male. Anyway, I listened to one where you had a few of them crying and whining about how a male who wants to attend a really good Liberal Arts school now has a significant advantage because there are so few men that want to do so anymore. Not talking about the super elites but the tier just below that. Those schools are all terrified of dropping below 40% male because it is death for them. Once that happens men stop applying and more interestingly so do women. Women want to go where the boys are. If anything men prefer a male dominated environment for college if they can find one. So what has happened is these LA schools are funding all kinds of men's sports and scholarships and doing all they can to get men to come there and it infuriates these College Admin types. Of course they have zero cognitive dissonance about how men feel about women in STEM. They also put very little value on team sports accomplishments but find a girl who is a great Flute player and they swoon.

In the end the key is to make sure your sons don't get discouraged by school and just keep working. If you have daughters make sure they think about what they really want in life and not what society is telling them to want. For both of them try to keep them away from social media and spending time outdoors and active as much as possible and expose them to as many experiences as you can to show them the world is bigger than the bubble they grow up in.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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