I have two opportunities for engineers in the ten+ year experience range looking for their next move.

Engineering Manager - responsible for engineering and project management team (10 total reports) in $35m division focused on gas turbine component repairs. Reports to P&L manager in a highly promotable position. My ideal candidate has experience in automation, CNC machining, robotics, gas turbine components, or welding. BSME preferred.

Superintendent for Aeroderivative Division - P&L responsibility for $10m division dedicated to the overhaul and repairs of aeroderivative gas turbines and power turbines. New division in "greenfield" phase inside the company, opportunity to build your own team and stand up the division to prepare for future growth. Ideal candidate has turbomachinery experience, management experience, and ready for a dynamic and entrepreneurial position.

Both positions located near Houston.

DM me or feel free to respond here.