Ohtani, will he play a game for the Dodgers?
13,302 Views | 180 Replies
12:13a, 3/21/24
12:15a, 3/21/24
12:16a, 3/21/24
Something doesn't seem quite right on this.
12:26a, 3/21/24
12:29a, 3/21/24
12:36a, 3/21/24
5:36a, 3/21/24
He's currently playing in his 2nd game as a Dodger and just got a hit
DallasAg 94
6:57a, 3/21/24
One thing about gamblers like that is that they don't just decide one day to not bet big on gambling.

The question should be... how long will it take for Ohtani's next interpreter to get caught.
7:37a, 3/21/24
Basically this…
Dr. Doctor
7:50a, 3/21/24
Reading about this on another site and there are a couple of thoughts:

The problem with him saying Ohtani wired the money to cover his interpreter's gambling debts to associates of the bookmakers is that it may end up being a pretty big technical mistake if he truly was covering his interpreter's debts. Think taxes and such.

If he was merely giving/loaning the money to the interpreter, who then passed it on to pay off his debts, that would be one thing. I'd think there are way more ways to make that look palatable. He could simply paying the guy for his services. At that point, the interpreter does with it what he chooses, and if the interpreter chooses to pay off gambling debts, there's that layer of separation at least. But..

The biggest tell is the amounts transferred to the bookie over several months.
Multiple $500,000 payments. Ohtani's interpreter was contracted for $300,000 a year. There is no way Ohtani was just continuously paying off his friends debts. After the first 500,000, it's time to have a heart to heart with the friend about their gambling addiction

This, though, is money directly to a gambling interest from a player. That's not good. Even if they weren't his debts, it's still a player involved financially, directly, with a bookmaker to the tune of millions of dollars. Even if it is as described and for the interpreter's gambling debts, it can still look like influence and/or involvement.

So overall, you have:
His interpreter incurred $4.5 million in debt to an illegal California bookie, through an intermediary.
The bookie bragged about having Ohtani as a client.
All payments to the bookie came from accounts held by Ohtani.
And now the interpreter embezzeled money?

Occam's Razor
  • Ohtani likes to gamble. But he doesn't want his fans knowing about it.
  • So he gets his longtime friend and confident to place bets on his behalf.
  • The only hitch is the bookie isn't sanctioned in California and gets busted for running an illegal gambling business.
  • The feds start going through all the transactions, see large amounts coming from Ohtani's bank accounts. Then they start asking questions, and Ohtani panics.

And now does MLB cover for him due to the exposure or no? If they cover for him, does Pete Rose start looking...rosier (yes bad pun)?

8:01a, 3/21/24
If this was any other player they'd immediately be put on the MLB version of the commissioner's exempt list and suspended pending an investigation.

But not the golden boy
8:26a, 3/21/24
How many games will Ohtani get suspended for?

There has to be a suspension. Slap on the wrist because of who he is, but there has to be a punishment.
8:33a, 3/21/24
Some good thoughts here. I agree MLB may try a Michael Jordan like cover up / protection.
The Porkchop Express
8:55a, 3/21/24
In reply to Coppell97
Coppell97 said:

Some good thoughts here. I agree MLB may try a Michael Jordan like cover up / protection.
Make sure Ohtani's dad doesn't take any long road trips any time soon.
11:00a, 3/21/24
I'd love to see the MLB burn him, but there is zero chance of that
The Porkchop Express
11:20a, 3/21/24
If he got suspended right after the Dodgers sent their $325 million man to the minors, it would be really good proof that LA is in fact the spawn of satan.
Furlock Bones
12:25p, 3/21/24
MLB network radio finally really starting to discuss this. Nothing adds up.

12:28p, 3/21/24
Ohtani is the greatest friend in the world

gives a friend $4.5 MM...just because he is his friend
12:38p, 3/21/24
Its never the crime. Its always the coverup that gets you. And they covered up transferring large sums of money to an illegal gambling site. This isnt a MLB issue anymore. Its a federal crime issue. On many levels.

As much as Manfred would love to ignore this, the feds wont stop digging and it wont stay private.

At some point a suspension is coming. If for no other reason than to buy time. It may be a fake suspension like "Shohei is on the IL for a strained hip flexor" but something will happen.
12:39p, 3/21/24
Wonder how a suspension would be handled with the deferred money. Would a 1 season suspension cost him 1 mil or 70? Unlikely to happen but has me thinking.
12:41p, 3/21/24
sports betting is still illegal in California -- right?

so state crime too
12:48p, 3/21/24
At best Ohtani paid an illegal bookie.

He most likely had contact with that bookie even if covering for his pal. No way any bookie lets anyone carry a $4.5MM debt without some assurances from his backer.

Worst case is Ohtani was the one placing bets and they got sloppy in paying his bookie directly.

He seems like a very smart and savvy guy who knows what his brand is worth so while possible I doubt he was betting, but it's still not good that he most likely had contact and was in cahoots with an illegal bookie.

I'm not buying this theft theory they've thrown out there for one second.

It'll be intersting how they (Ohtani's team and MLB) try and make this go away. Ohtani's folks have already flipped stories multiple times.
Furlock Bones
1:08p, 3/21/24
In reply to Ag_07
Why does everyone keep saying they doubt he was betting because he knows his worth?

Jordan bet.
Tiger banged waitresses when he could have had a private harem.
Mickleson bets his ass off.
1:15p, 3/21/24
In reply to Furlock Bones
Good point

I guess for me it just doesn't fit his persona

With that said you're right. We don't know him personally nor do we know what kind of skeletons he has in his closet.
Furlock Bones
2:27p, 3/21/24
In reply to Ag_07
Ag_07 said:

Good point

I guess for me it just doesn't fit his persona

With that said you're right. We don't know him personally nor do we know what kind of skeletons he has in his closet.
exactly. i just don't think anyone can make definitive statements. currently, what we know is that a whole hell of a lot of stuff does not add up.
2:34p, 3/21/24
Gambling can be a massive addiction. Sure, he is worth a ton of money, but that also means he has a ton of money to gamble with.
Furlock Bones
2:52p, 3/21/24
In reply to wangus12
wangus12 said:

Gambling can be a massive addiction. Sure, he is worth a ton of money, but that also means he has a ton of money to gamble with.
yup. and as the USA opens up to gambling, Europe is trying really hard to roll it back.

we are all absolutely bombarded by gambling adverts at the moment.

The Porkchop Express
4:31p, 3/21/24
This never would have happened when he was with the Angels because nobody cares about the Angels.
4:48p, 3/21/24
5:05p, 3/21/24
The answer is yes. This will absolutely be swept under the rug. Not really sure what it even is but it doesn't even matter imo.
Proposition Joe
5:37p, 3/21/24
I don't think this will wind up being as nefarious as people think.

Interpreter got in over his head. Ohtani's camp told him to go own up to it publicly. They then quickly realized that Ohtani paying off the debt involves him in a financial crime so they pivoted to claiming it was theft. Interpreter won't fight that story. Interpreter fired, Ohtani will have to take some awareness classes or some ****, and that'll be it.
7:00p, 3/21/24
In reply to Proposition Joe
You think the interpreter was able to get a $4.5 million debt without Ohtani backing him? No way
Proposition Joe
8:28p, 3/21/24
In reply to Ornithopter
Ornithopter said:

You think the interpreter was able to get a $4.5 million debt without Ohtani backing him? No way

You don't owe $4.5m unless you've established a history of losing/paying.

So it really just comes down to whether the interpreter was betting on Ohtani's credit, or if they can prove it was actually Ohtani betting. I doubt the latter occurs.
8:53p, 3/21/24
In reply to Proposition Joe

And even if he's just on his credit that would still entail Ohtani and the bookie to have a discussion and an understanding.

Which isn't the end of the world but that nothing scoff at especially is it's a federal crime.

Would a felony charge have any ramifications on his immigration work status?
Proposition Joe
9:03p, 3/21/24
In reply to Ag_07
I think you'd see MLB simply frame it that Ohtani's friend had a problem, Ohtani was trying to be a good friend and get him out of a jam.

There will be legal issues to deal with, but MLB can keep a good face on it.

So minus a smoking gun I don't see anything coming out of it.

(And if a smoking gun exists, hopefully the bookie has it tucked away and can retire).
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