Star Wars Discussion Thread

6,158,093 Views | 44609 Replies | Last: 9 min ago by Decay
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redline248 said:

jokershady said:

They'd might as well name her something that ends with "inity"….thatd help make it stick….

When are we going to see a Jedi named "Karen" or "Chad" ???
Do you think the Jedi kept the children's given names or gave them new ones?
considering they kept the last name of luke attached to him while trying to keep him in "hiding" I'm guessing that's a no….

Unless the name Skywalker is like our Johnson in which case yeah sure whatever…..good luck killing all the Skywalkers in the galactic phone booth Darth…..
The Porkchop Express
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I would tend to agree Trinity will not be in it much given the lateness of her casting. Definitely makes you wonder how the girls gets the drop on her because in the long scene is is pretty one sided.

I'm really curious what they'll do with Yoda. They took great lengths to keep him out of the High Republic books until it would have just made no sense that he didn't show up and help. Watching TPM again really frames some of the parameters the Acolyte has to exist in. Like the bad guys probably can't be Sith because the Jedi Council declare the Sith have been extinct for a milennium during Qui-Gon's report.

Also there Jedi must not learn any sort of lesson from this show because there are at least 3 council members in the high republic books - Yoda, oppo Rancisis, Yarael Poof (the guy that on opening day of TPM in 99, my brother said, if someone doesn't cut that guy's head off, I'm going to be really disappointed).

Intentional or not, those council scenes and most of Qui-Gon's dialogue really show how vain the Jedi are in the prequels. Qui-Gon doesn't "sense anything" on the TF ship those guys are having a confab with a sith hologram 100 feet away. ANd the council doesn't even suggest sending backup Jedi to Naboo with Obi and Qui-Gon despite the fact that Qui-GOn got his ass whupped by Maul on Tatooine.

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Your post reminded me of another inconsistency... how did Yoda know "always two there are," when talking about Sith at the end of TPM? According to the internet, Lucas created Darth Bane and the rule of 2 as part of the backstory for the prequels. Prior to Bane the Sith were numerous and Bane killed them all and tricked the Jedi that the sith were extinct.

Previously I had proposed that in order for any of this stuff from the acolyte to fit (assuming Sith are involved), then Yoda had to have at least an idea of a rumor. He doesn't flat out confirm what Mace and Ki are saying in that council scene.
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Aren't there supposedly ancient texts that are just known? Maybe the same ones Luke didn't read on his poverty island?
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I wonder if some of this can be cleared up in that Dark Jedi or Fallen Jedi don't count as Sith in the Jedi villain accounting.

I am sure in the time between Bane and Phantom Menace, some Jedi or students fell to the dark side. Why they don't teach older students, etc.

So the Sith are the heirs to the Sith Empire in the Jedi's mind of which two are suspected of lurking, a Master and an Apprentice.

And though out history Jedi/other Force users wield the dark side and the Jedi snuff them out. But they don't lay claim to the Dark Side.

So this show could be the Jedi and Dark Jedi seeking out the current Sith Master/Apprentice for their own reasons. The Dark Jedi to challenge to the right to the Sith Empire. The Jedi to protect the galaxy?

Maybe the Jedi always task a few Jedi to clandestinely search for the Sith?
The Porkchop Express
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Dekker_Lentz said:

I wonder if some of this can be cleared up in that Dark Jedi or Fallen Jedi don't count as Sith in the Jedi villain accounting.

I am sure in the time between Bane and Phantom Menace, some Jedi or students fell to the dark side. Why they don't teach older students, etc.

So the Sith are the heirs to the Sith Empire in the Jedi's mind of which two are suspected of lurking, a Master and an Apprentice.

And though out history Jedi/other Force users wield the dark side and the Jedi snuff them out. But they don't lay claim to the Dark Side.

So this show could be the Jedi and Dark Jedi seeking out the current Sith Master/Apprentice for their own reasons. The Dark Jedi to challenge to the right to the Sith Empire. The Jedi to protect the galaxy?

Maybe the Jedi always task a few Jedi to clandestinely search for the Sith?
THey mention the lost 20 - of which Dooku is the 20th - in AOTC, although very fleetingly in the actual movie; it is a little more answered in a deleted scene.

In the excellent ROTS novelization by Matt Stover, Yoda reflects on fighting the Sith a long time ago and as he fights Palpatine comes to the realization that the Sith evolved while he had led the Order to keep looking for the same sort of Sith he had known - which I presume wer warlords and really out there doing crazy stuff.
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The Porkchop Express
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A Lego Star Wars "What If" coming this fall starring Dustin from STranger Things and introducing, at long last, Darth Jar Jar.

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OmG!!! YES!!!!!!
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Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Funny that Star Wars gets this kind of permanence, yet it was not deemed worthy of Best Picture. Pretty sure the Cathedral does not have any grotesques commemorating Annie Hall (BP 1977)
The Porkchop Express
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I feel like Hollywood didn't know WTF to do with Star Wars in 1977. It was bigger than anything they'd seen before, it was made by an exceptionally introverted guy in his early 30s, and most of its "stars" were technical advancements.

It's not that much different from today in terms of box office success <> Oscar nominations, with few exceptions like the Avatar films, Return of the King (now 20 years ago) and Black Panther. The Academy would have rather taken public transportation for a year than given Oscar noms to the likes of Endgame or The Force Awakens or Spider-man: NWH, despite the audience - you know the people the movies are made for - saying with their wallets, these are the most amazing movies of their respective years.

In hindsight, it's more embarrassing that Empire didn't get a nom than it is that Star Wars didn't win. They gave Empire a "Special Achievement Academy Award" for Visual Effects, just as they did for ROJ in 83. Ben Burtt got one in 77 for "Alien Creature and Robot Voices".

Doing a little research on the Oscars that year, Debbie Reynolds (Carrie Fisher's mom did the opening song and Mark Hamill and the droids presented Sound Effects to Ben Burtt (pic)

Early in the evening, Star Wars then won Visual Effects, Sound, Art Direction, Costume Design, Original Score, and Film Editing. The articles I've read said most people thought Alec Guinness would win for Best Supporting but he lost to Jason Robards for Julia. Neither guy was even there!

Then Woodie Allen / Annie Hall beat Lucas/ SW for Best Director, Best original Screenplay, and Best Picture.

A great quote from James Cameron about the result: "This little cute relationship story and Star Wars. What the *****are you people thinking?"
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Cinco Ranch Aggie
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The Academy rarely seems to award movies that people actually like, exceptions being Return of the King, Silence of the Lambs. Yeah, there are people who enjoy the movies that do win, but most seem geared toward the "artsy" crowd rather than the people who go to movies solely to be entertained.

Star Wars became a cultural phenomenon that is still going strong almost 50 years later.

Raiders of the Lost Ark should have won over Chariots of Fire.

Saving Private Ryan should have won over Shakespeare in Love.
The Porkchop Express
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I can't quit you, TeMu

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The Porkchop Express
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I just realized that one of the new Jedi in the Acolyte is played by Manny Jacinto, who is a lot more famous in my dojo for being Jason Mendoza in The Good Place. Not sure I can take him seriously as a Jedi. Hopefully there will be a Blake Bortles reference.

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Red Five
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*Jedi Council locked in heated debate about what to do about mysterious dark side users*

*Jason running in from stage left with a Molotov cocktail in his hand* "BORTLES!"

"Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away I had a different problem."
Quad Dog
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Must be hard as an actor to get out of typecasting after playing a character like that.
The Porkchop Express
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Quad Dog said:

Must be hard as an actor to get out of typecasting after playing a character like that.
If you've never listened to THe Good Place podcast, they repeatedly say he improvised almost everything he said on the show.

One of my all-time favorite moments is when they have the montage of the different characters figuring out they are in the Bad Place and how hhumiliated Michael is the time that Jason is hte one to figure it out.
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The Porkchop Express
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While it was great seeing all 9 episodes in the theater, my buddy and i spent a lot of time talking about the hype for The Phantom Menace, which came out when we were both 25, thus both now 50.

had we remembering these really cool "tone poems" that were on and then on TV as the movie
approached. Some of them are really well done.

Liam Neeson not really giving a sh*t about this accent in this one.

All of them

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Man, I had totally forgotten about these. So good.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Yesterday I watched this playlist. It's small BTS video diaries that were filmed during TPM, I believe as part of the documentary that ended up on the DVD, but the unused footage.

Starts with this one.

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The Porkchop Express said:

Some screenies from the new Acolyte trailer.

Realy slick filmography on the Trinity vs. Protagonist in the extended look at the end of TPM; lots of new way of how to use the Force.

Is that middle pic Luke's island?
The Porkchop Express
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YouBet said:

The Porkchop Express said:

Some screenies from the new Acolyte trailer.

Realy slick filmography on the Trinity vs. Protagonist in the extended look at the end of TPM; lots of new way of how to use the Force.

Is that middle pic Luke's island?
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The Porkchop Express
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The Porkchop Express said:

YouBet said:

The Porkchop Express said:

Some screenies from the new Acolyte trailer.

Realy slick filmography on the Trinity vs. Protagonist in the extended look at the end of TPM; lots of new way of how to use the Force.

Is that middle pic Luke's island?

I've thought that since the teaser but no confirmation
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maroon barchetta
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Not sure which is better….this picture or the uncle Owen aunt meru skull Lego heads
Brian Earl Spilner
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The Porkchop Express
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

Mark Hamill on Star Tours at Disney 3 days after we were there a few years ago. My wife said she was sorry we missed him and I said it probably was for the best as my reaction would have been a colossal embarrassment for her, and particularly for Mark Hamill.
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The Porkchop Express said:

Some screenies from the new Acolyte trailer.

Realy slick filmography on the Trinity vs. Protagonist in the extended look at the end of TPM; lots of new way of how to use the Force.

Why does coruscant look like a 90s movie version of downtown LA in that pic
The Porkchop Express
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canadiaggie said:

The Porkchop Express said:

Some screenies from the new Acolyte trailer.

Realy slick filmography on the Trinity vs. Protagonist in the extended look at the end of TPM; lots of new way of how to use the Force.

Why does coruscant look like a 90s movie version of downtown LA in that pic
It's the earliest we've ever seen it on visual media. Probably got built up a lot more over the next 100 years before TPM if there no wars, etc. going on
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canadiaggie said:

The Porkchop Express said:

Some screenies from the new Acolyte trailer.

Realy slick filmography on the Trinity vs. Protagonist in the extended look at the end of TPM; lots of new way of how to use the Force.

Why does coruscant look like a 90s movie version of downtown LA in that pic

I was going to say it looks like Blade Runner during the day.
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Probably not SW related, but who cares.

Brian Earl Spilner
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Well based on the latest rumors, it very well could be.
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oragator said:

Probably not SW related, but who cares.

Is he going to play Sean Spicer in the Trump biopic?

The Porkchop Express
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For a few seconds there, I thought it was going to be the best WORDLE ever today
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